How Do We Hire A Hunk?
College Hunks Hauling Junk has a very thorough interviewing process when we are looking to hire new hunks to join our team. Our definition of a hunk is a clean-cut individual that has a positive, friendly attitude.
Our hiring process begins with the applicants answering a series of questions via e-mail. If this goes well it is followed by a phone interview to make sure the applicant has the personal skills necessary to provide outstanding customer service.
We at College Hunks Hauling Junk are in the client service business first, junk removal and moving second. This is why we make sure to hire not just junk haulers but individuals that are excellent at customer service and client relations.
If the phone interview goes well the applicants come in for a face-to-face interview and are once again screened to make sure they will be an excellent hunk and provide the level of outstanding service our clients expect.
If all goes well it's on to the last step which is a full day of work on the truck.
This is where the real test begins. Not only do they need to be great at customer service, they also need to have the stamina to be able to work a long, strenuous day. If, at the end of the day, they perform well and they still want to join our team then they officially become a team member of College Hunks Hauling Junk!