Dunk A HUNK: Flint HUNKS Co-Sponsor Big Brothers Big Sisters Event
This past week, College Hunks of Flint, MI, helped to co-sponsor the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Greater Flint “Annual Fun Day.”
Big Brothers, Big Sisters holds this event once each year for all of the Bigs, Littles, and families to come out and have an evening of games, food, and fun.
Our Flint HUNKS were on hand for the event and they even volunteered in the dunk tank!
For the entire two hours of the event, there was a line of eager young kids waiting for their chance to throw a ball and have the opportunity to “Dunk A Hunk.”
Everyone really had a great time. The kids enjoyed spending time with the HUNKS and getting the chance to make them drop into the tank of freezing cold water — good thing it was about 95 degrees outside, which is unusual for Michigan!
We even talked Franchise Co-Owner Zak Hawley into getting into the tank!
And if you’d like our HUNKS to help out around your home or office, give us a call today at 1-800-586-5872 or schedule your stress-free service online right here!