Everything To Clear Out From Your Garage
If you’re like most people, your garage is probably jammed-packed with items that you’ve collected over the years; some you use, some you don’t. However, you probably don’t love that you’re barely able to move around your garage, much less house your car in it, because of how crowded the space is. If you’re unable to see the floor in your garage, it’s time to do some serious de-junking and clear things out.
Unused Sports Equipment
While it’s definitely convenient to have your own sporting goods store right in your home, that’s only the case if you actually use the equipment. Rather than have it sit in your garage and collect dust, junk it if the equipment is worn/damaged or donate it if it can still be used. Your local recreation center will gladly take gently-used equipment.
Old Decorations
Sure, you may want to hang onto your child’s first holiday ornament or the gravy boat that’s been passed down for generations. However, there’s no need to hang onto decades-old holiday and home decor just to use it once a year. Downside your decor and clear out any item that is damaged or older than a few years.
Empty Boxes
You may have been saving the box your toaster came in or the packaging from a dining set, but if you’ve had the items for over a year, it’s time to get rid of the box. Besides the store return policy for these items having probably expired, if you’ve been using these items regularly, then you don’t need to clutter up your garage with the empty box.
Old Electronics
Even if you’ve been holding onto your old VCR and 8-track tapes out of nostalgia, it’s time to let them go. You can junk them (properly since they’re electronics), try to sell them, or donate them to museums depending on how old they are.
Clearing out your garage can be a tedious task, to say the least. Save yourself the hassle and call on College HUNKS Hauling Junk & Moving® for help! Our professional junk removers know how to remove any type of junk that might be stored in your garage, so you don’t have to worry about calling multiple companies for the one garage cleaning project.
Contact us today to get started!