Florida’s large cities are a prime spot for College Hunks Hauling Junk, thanks to population growth and campuses full of potential employees
Bryan and Lisa Tully have been busy marketing their new business — Jacksonville, Florida’s, first College Hunks Hauling Junk franchise.
What’s the best place for a moving and junk removal franchise? The answer’s pretty obvious: a growing city with young families, retirees and expanding businesses. For a College Hunks Hauling Junk operation, having nearby campuses to double as an employee pool is a bonus. Put it all together, and it’s easy to see why new franchise owners Bryan and Lisa Tully are excited about setting up shop in Jacksonville, Florida.
“There is no other national brand here that performs both services,” Lisa says, adding that she and her husband were looking at other entrepreneurial opportunities when they found out about College Hunks Hauling Junk. They didn’t need to look any further.
“No other moving or removal service has a company culture that attracts, retains and develops a team that consistently delights their clients,” Lisa says.
First on the ground
The Tullys were surprised to find they were the first franchise owners in Jacksonville, and they took advantage of that fact to snag a territory that runs north to the Georgia border and south to St. Augustine. It includes about 50 ZIP codes.
“It’s a really good market,” Lisa says. “Even before we opened, there were some calls to the Sales and Loyalty Center about us, because we have been getting the truck out and doing some early marketing. There’s definitely interest, and I think we’ll do very well once the word really gets out.”
Recruiting HUNKS is well under way
Bryan and Lisa have recruited and trained their first group of HUNKS, and they are reaching out to Jacksonville’s college community for more employees. Their enthusiasm for the brand is contagious, and it’s easy to see why.
“I identified with ‘building a fun and enthusiastic work environment’ when we were talking with the College Hunks Hauling Junk team about the differentiators in this business model,” Bryan explains. “We certainly wanted earning potential, but the culture had to be right, as well. We think we found a great fit.”
“We posted on a few job sites and had more than 100 applicants for our first round,” Lisa says. “I definitely think we’ll be able to recruit and train quality employees from the talent pool that is here. It’s a really fun brand, and we’re seeing interest from people who want to work here and from people who want to hire us. This is a big, growing area, and we’ve got a lot of ways to approach that. It’s very exciting!”
Learn More
If you’d like to find out more about how College Hunks strives to be the best moving franchise to invest in, please fill out a form and start a conversation. We look forward to answering your questions.