9 Funniest Questions/Statements You’ll Hear As A College HUNKS. Franchisee
We get a lot of funny questions. Here are some of the answers:
College HUNKS Hauling Junk is a funny, catchy name that attracts customer attention and helps our brand make a BIG first impression. But it also inspires some funny questions. Here are 9 questions that franchisees hear from time to time from customers. Enjoy!
1) Are they all really Hunks? Are they all really in College?
Actually, H.U.N.K.S. is an acronym that stands for Honest, Uniformed, Nice, Knowledgeable, Service. We have expanded the definition of “H.U.N.K.S.” to include brains and service, not just brawn. The majority of our team members are students or are taking a semester off, but they are all friendly and collegiate.
2) Do they take their shirts off when they haul?
No, they do not. See #1 above. H.U.N.K.S. are defined by their brains and their customer service, not necessarily by looking like they belong in the beach volleyball scene of “Top Gun.”
3) How do you hire your H.U.N.K.S.? / Can I be part of the hiring committee?
We hire for attitude and train for skill. One of our core values is building leaders, so leadership development and empowerment is critical.
4) You must do a lot of work on college campuses at the end of semesters, right?
Actually, our client base is primarily homeowners and businesses. The majority of our employees are college students. We do not do much work on college campuses.
5) But you’re not in college?!?
I know, but I am a professor. It’s my job to recruit, train and empower our future leaders.
6) Haha! No really, what’s the real name of the business?
Seriously, it’s COLLEGE HUNKS Hauling JUNK AND MOVING. It was originally founded by college students and now employs more than 1,000 people nationwide.
7) I have the best idea for you! You should sell the stuff you find! Do you take the stuff for free? Do you pay people for their junk? Do you make a lot of money on scrap?
Even though some of the items we haul have value, we actually donate or recycle the majority of the items we collect. People pay us for the convenience of picking up their unwanted items. The logistics of trying to store and sell the items is not as lucrative as you may think.
8) Aren’t those Miami colors? What’s up with that?
The company won a business plan competition through the University of Miami, but now the green represents our environmentally-friendly recycling practices, and the orange represents our bright and playful brand and company culture.
9) Will you please hire my son… I need him out of my house asap!
Sure! Have him fill out this form to learn about starting his own business.